
Animal Sounds - Domesticated Animals - English Edition

Aloma - Lô Carvalho
"An animal sound: domestic animals" is a perfect book to talk about these animals so affectionate that live close to us and that make a lot of noise! You've seen a kitten, right? Do you know what sound it makes? What is the name of this sound? Find out in this colorful and fun book and listen to the sounds they make in a super-animated video, created especially for our readers! The book is accompanied by the true sound of animals, with free access on Bamboozinho's YouTube channel, inviting readers to learn even more about nature! Also available in bilingual English / Portuguese edition.   Read more

US$15.72 US$30.10

“An animal sound: domestic animals” is a perfect book to talk about these animals so affectionate that live close to us and that make a lot of noise! You’ve seen a kitten, right? Do you know what sound it makes? What is the name of this sound? Find out in this colorful and fun book and listen to the sounds they make in a super-animated video, created especially for our readers!
The book is accompanied by the true sound of animals, with free access on Bamboozinho’s YouTube channel, inviting readers to learn even more about nature!
Also available in bilingual English / Portuguese edition.


Book Details

Author: Aloma - Lô Carvalho
ISBN: 9786586389470
Publisher: Bon Bini Books
Publication year: 2020
Cover: Brochura
Pages: 32
Language: Inglês
Dimensions: 21.6 x 21.6 cm

More about the book

ABOUT THE BOOK You already know the sound of the cow when it screams and the dog when it barks, don't you? But do you know how to imitate a purring cat? And a chicken cackling? How about becoming a beast in the sounds that domestic animals make? Discovering the sound of animals is always a pleasure for the child. In this work, the originality is in the diversity of the animals presented and the sounds they make, whose written records are part of the literary work of the author, Aloma, specialized in children's literature and in the children's book. The book also stands out, in addition to the real sound of animals, the name of that sound, expanding the child's vocabulary. After all, everyone knows that the cat meows and the cow shrieks, but did you know that the duck quacks? Reading, information and entertainment gathered in a single book. What's more, our little reader can access the real sound of the animals in the book on the YouTube channel of Editora Bamboozinho, making the reading experience even more fun! This book received the seal Aqui tem Natureza, which indicates that the work values ​​our pride and feeling of belonging to nature. It has the function of presenting us and admiring the natural riches of our planet and, also, making the reader even more aware of the need to protect each little animal that lives here and its habitat, the squares, woods, forests and forests of the world. whole. Feel the fresh air, hear the sound of animals and be enchanted by the diversity of colors, smells and shapes that nature has to show. Bamboozinho brings all of this to you in the form of a children's book, carefully prepared so that children see themselves as part of something bigger and grow with the feeling of respect and care in relation to the environment! Discover the other titles of the Um Som Animal Collection: "Brazilian animals", "Animals from Africa" ​​and "Animals from our surroundings".

Sobre a autora

alomaAloma também assina seus livros como Lô Carvalho. Paulistana de coração, mas catarinense de nascença, é pedagoga, editora e escritora.Em seus livros, explora a graça das rimas e do prazer de se ter a própria linguagem como protagonista de narrativas especialmente criadas para os bebês e para as crianças pequenas e em fase de alfabetização. Seus livros são todos publicados pela Editora Bamboozinho no Brasil e pela Bon Bini Books nas vendas internacionais. A autora tem obras aprovadas pelo Ministério da Educação (MEC/Brasil), com destaque para os títulos para bebês. É curadora do blog Bebê Leitor (, que traz dicas de livros e de leitura para as famílias com crianças pequenas.


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